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Our Weekend

Friday Dave and I celebrated our 1st anniversary! (It really was Saturday, but Dave had a track meet.)  We enjoyed the 70 degree weather by going rock climbing and then making calzones.  It was fabulous, just like Dave.  :)  It has been a wonderful year.  I'm so glad I have him for eternity.  I was going to have Dave take a picture of me climbing (Bean's first climbing trip), but we forgot the camera.

Saturday was the UVU high school invitation.  Dave's long jumper won, which was exciting, especially considering he's only been jumping for a week now.  The weather was nice until the end, which is much better than anything we had for track meets last year. Nel and I went on an exploration run.  We've seen this trail for quite a while, but never known how to get to it, so we struck out on an adventure.  After about a mile run/walking straight up the mountain, we finally made it to the trail.  It turns out there is a trailhead that is a lot easier that our access point, but we had a lovely time.

Unfortunately, Sunday Meg and I were both sick with the stomach flu.  Dave and Brinn were great nurses.  Though I am feeling much better today, Meg is still recuperating, so we both stayed home.  It gave me a chance to get the house cleaned up and the laundry done.  I just had to do it in little spurts and rest in between.

Only 3 more months until baby Bean joins our family.  We are all very excited to meet him!



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